Wednesday, July 16, 2008

actually went to the gym today.

pretty proud of myself. To say I haven't been in a long time is an understatement. Let me feed you a few facts so that you understand:

1. My hair wasn't long enough to put into a ponytail. Scratch that, it was, but only on the right side. I have an asymmetrical haircut. (I'm emo like that.)
2. 24 fitness now charges for towels. It's been like that for a month. I paid $1 for a towel and put my purple dye on it. (I'm emo like that)
3. I stood there for a good minute trying to remember what my locker combination was. That fact is not emo, but the lock was METAL! \m/

No more lazy Candice. Gym, bitches!

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