Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wondercon is causing some self reflection

I'm kinda depressed right now. Well, to be fair, nowhere near as depressed as I once was, but still a little bummed. Walk with me, this one's going to be personal.

So there's this event called Wondercon.

I've always wanted to go to a con ever since i was in high school. Last year I got to go. I went by myself and enjoyed it. A few of my friends ran into me and we got to hang out and stuff but for the most part i'm pretty independent.

This year for some reason i'm kinda bummed out that noone is as gung ho about this as I am. Even my roommate who works for an anime company is probably not as gung ho about this as I am.

And so after a long time thinking about it, I think i figured out that the reason why is that me wanting to go much more than other people means that

my geek friends.

and as much as I love that fact, I also think it's a harsh pill to swallow.

whoa, holy shit..luke & leia are going to be there. omfg.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You ARE a pretty big geek my dear.

That's totally not a bad thing! ;)