I can't sleep. So i've revived my comic (working on it, had to go to my hotmail account *shudder*)
But i found this beauty of a thing:
Search Google's Oldest Index
It's pretty cool. I searched my name and found some musical that i forgot i was in.
I also did a
Myspace -making home improvements easier.
flickr -internet freedom rally.
youtube -i don't care how big you are now, that's gotta hurt on some level.
emo -there's an emo, ontario??
yelp -faq, how do i register my pet?
"social networking"
"miley cyrus"...yeah i really did that one...what was she, like...7 at the time?
On a more serious note, this index was done in January 2001, so I was curious about the following:
"September 11"
Interesting, huh? It's like a mini little geek time capsule.
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