Monday, June 9, 2008

the way i speak now.

So even in hawai'i all my friends used to say i sounded "haole" (pronounced how-lee), which pretty much means mainlander..or white...but mainly mainlander. It's actually not really a racial slur, you can call your friend that in an endearing way.

Anyway, i hung out with my friend who was in the ICS department with me in college..he's up here from LA for a developers' conference.

So i start talking, and he looks at me with the most curious face.

and i go "what?"
and he goes "Holy shit, you're full-on Haole now".


1 comment:

BernaD*va said...

Ahahahahaha!!!! I got this from my sister:

"Eh, no answer my phone, dey gon' tink one haole family lives hea."