Today was such a fabulous day i have to blog about it before i forget everything that we did.
So tobi came over last night and is currently crashing on my couch for Pride Weekend!
ZOMG we did a lot today.
Here is a quick breakdown:
1st, Candice had one of those realistic nightmares, meaning I didn't wake up until 10am. Woke up, showered, and prepared to go to Civic Center for the Pride festivities.
Arrived at O'Farrell and Van Ness. Distracted by Books, Inc.
(dude i really want some cap'n crunch right now)
Then we went to Pride festivities near the Civic Center. Since it had JUST opened up there was barely anyone there, and tobi and i kept getting the schwag that people ended up waiting for in line later on (whoo hoo!)
Free stuff obtained:
-Me not Meth tshirt
-Dante's Cove sampler DVD
-2 tickets to the alameda county fair (anyone either want these tix or want to go)
-AT&T Tshirt that says "Call from the Pride Parade, sound like you're in the closet" (haha)
-Full deck of Playing Cards (apparently Reno has a pride day too)
-Obama Pride Sticker
-Got Sperm? Sticker
-Library card (details below)
Tobi made out with that PLUS he got a couple of bags.
I also bought 3 5733 tshirts for $30. Bargain bin.
After noticing that their booth was in front of the public library, I decided to go get a library card.
Yes you heard right I GOT A LIBRARY CARD. FUCK YEAH. It's a fancy decorative one PLUS i have one for my keychain. I rule.
Since I hadn't eaten breakfast, we found this place on yelp and ended up running into it accidentally. I forgot what it's called but it's this AMAZING vegetarian restaurant on the corner of grove and market.
Then i bought a sticker that has a zelda nintendo cartridge on it and it says BLOW ME. serious. yes, I'll show it to you sometime.
Tobi found out that one of his favorite DJs was playing at Temple, so he offered to buy me a ticket so that we could BOTH go and party all night long.
I also bought some black and red fairy wings in anticipation of TOMORROW's festivities, which should be even crazier.
Thinking I was going to go home right after this, I didn't think too hard about this purchase.
I ended up carrying it for the next few HOURS.
So Tobi and I were walking up Van Ness back to Geary for the mighty 38. I see the ad for Wall-E and make a comment about how we should go see it.
Tobi agrees, then I realize it's gonna be hella full since it's opening weekend. We go in to see what else is playing, and I realize that KUNG FU PANDA is playing in like 4 minutes.
Tobi buys my ticket (tobi was buying stuff for me all day awww)
And we see Kung Fu Panda!! It ruled, but we were definitely in the "hey let's bring our rude and noisy kids who talk about the movie real loud and you cant tell them to shut up because the other parents will shun you pride-sticker-wearing motherfuckers"
FYI they're making High School Musical 3 for the big screen. About time they figure out they can milk that cow for even more lucious milk.
So after the movie's over, we go "great break, let's head home".
I notice it's almost 5, and since my OTHER birthday celebrating friend was having a bar crawl that started at that time on Polk Street, I call him up to see if he's already there. he is.
After some clever iPhoning, we realize the bar he's at is 1.1 miles away.
Wings in hand, we hoof it.
However, there are tons of distractions along Polk. I'm talking walgreens, secondhand shops, and oh yes, the distraction of them all Good Vibrations.
Realizing this could just be the most brilliant birthday gift to my friend ever, Tobi and I run on in.
I must say, the customer service in this sex shop is well above what is expected. i had been in here once before, but man this time around they were really friendly.
"What kind of gift would you like to get him?"
"Does he like bondage?"
"You can hook up your iPod to it" (yes people this is real. It's like the vibrator for geek girls)
After playing certain HR Violation scenarios that might have arisen from giving my coworker/friend this gift, I decide that I should just buy him a beer when we get to the bar.
1.1 miles and about an hour of distraction of Polk Street later, we arrive at the
I arrive, and am the only worker there so far. I'm half an hour late to the start.
I meet all his friends, and I high five every single one of them with my patented solid high fives. They're virtual bowling, and apparently my high fives cause strikes.
Buy Brendan a beer. Talk about good vibrations with the only other girl there to the absolute entertainment of the other boys around.
Kelsey arrives with her Feed Bag from Whole Foods so of COURSE since I'm in love with it Tobi is also in love with it 'cause we both rule like that.
So we find out the nearest Whole Foods is also conveniently on the 1 line back home anyway. So I close out my tab and we after grabbing a muni to take us the blocks we just walked, we eventually find ourselves in
So we figure out quickly that we suddenly don't want dinner from here and would rather just go to a restaurant, so we beeline it for the Feed bags. I debate buying one for my little sister and sending it back to Hawai'i (no whole foods there), bud decide against it for at least this two week time period.
After debating what to eat, we eventually settle on
Definitely one of my favorite restaurants, and so happy that it's in my neighborhood. Usually I come here for just brunch...but ended up here for dinner tonight.
Here Tobi and I make the plan for the rest of the night (yeah, the sun is STILL at this time people).
We're gonna go to my place, rest for a bit, get dolled up and then go back to Temple where 92.7's Queen is taking place.
Food is delish.
Get back home. Go to buy tix online for queen..and of course It's SOLD OUT.
Of course! Everything that day had been going amazingly, why not throw a wrench? After a couple of minutes of debate..we decide to do the unthinkable.
To go to the one place that everyone IS going. The place where it's stupid to go on pride night.
BUT because this is Tobi's Birthday Weekend, and he's Gay, AND it happens to also be Pride Weekend...
We go to the
I will admit. I didn't think it was going to be that massive. I thought there'd be a lot of people in the bars there, like Haight at Halloween time.
I didn't realize that they'd close off the street and that there'd be a SEA of people already waiting for us to party with them when we got there.
Shared a cab with Josh. Got dropped off at the top top...and oh. my. god.
IT WAS AWESOME. SHEER AWESOME. So many people! So many colors!
And every hot guy there was gay so no pressure!
Although within 5 minutes of me navigating through the crowd I had a guy come up to me and just fondle my breast. I'm not talking accidental "Whoops i just touched your boob" but straight up squeezing to see if I'm real. The last time I went to the Castro,something similarly "wow" happened, but that was mostly verbal. I look back at the guy and start laughing, assuming he's gay, and i go back and start doing the same thing to his chest. He looks like he's enjoying it, so I suddenly get suspicious, and then his gay friend leans in and goes "um, he's hetero..haha"
Good times.
Tobi and I brave it all the way to the front and center of the DJ stage, and it is PACKED. It's like metallica concert moshpit packed. And unfortunately not everyone there is respecting one another, it's definitely not like a hawaii concert.
But it is hella fun. We end up dancing from the minute we get there to the time the party is shut down at midnight due to lameness.
We run for our bus that happens to be there, but end up walking to Dolores Park
I hail a cab (thank GOD that was hard) and we head home.
where i sit blogging about this.
Tomorrow morning's going to be even crazier with the pride parade and everything. I look forward to wearing my goth outfits again, haven't put them on in seriousness in years.
Goodnight blogland! Today was one of the most eventful days of my life. If i had planned this stuff, I probably wouldn't have gotten them done. I love random days. Today I kinda wanted to be a lesbian just so I could be *extra* proud.
C'est le vie, just gotta be straight I guess.
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