Saturday, June 27, 2009

txt msg soon?

wow. now that i have a phone that doesn't die every call & has a useful keyboard...I keep filling up my txt msgs quickly!

here we go for the latter part of june:

Gail: Hmmm. Well now I feel pressured 2 live up 2 ur expctations. I
ll call a caricaturist.

Jay M: Drubk is my trugh serum

Jay M: Otally waaasred

Giannii: If you're referring to my bed then yes.

Scott: U can do it!

Scott: Hey, I'm gonna go to horse racing (seriously)

Ron: That's just how i roll...Preview for next week! Prepare yoruself!

Kate: Damn you're important!
I just gave you a shout out on a Bon Jovi song :)

Bernadette: You need a bigger nerd dating pool to swim in.

Rhett: Down girl.

Gail: For crying out loud that's fabulous! worth missing elmo tho? I think NOT! Loser!

Oliver: How do I get closer to your house?

Brittany: Drunk. Well almost. Goddamned Sarah marshal!

Scott: I'm @ the opera. holy shit!

Greg: You sobered up yet?

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