I have a new phone that makes it much easier to txt msg. As a result, I've been texting more & receiving more texts than ever before! Below is just 2 months worth (it got full already)
MayKristin: TANG BANG
Kristin: Well let's tang bang again soon! I liked that bar.
Mom: Drunk!
Tobi: Gay
Brittany: No it starts at hooters in the city.
Scott: lucky dude! :-)
Sister: Boo! She hates you that much huh? Don't we all!
Sister: Yes, it's hard 2 keep up the facade of friendship while fonduing. She knew her limits.
"but it's so...palpable!"
"and so is my hatred for you"
Brittany: drunk...
Brittany: Qellmy drunkenness lasted about ten minutes...
Jon: Met Ryan, Mel, Tim, and Andy tonight for dinner & the Long Beach College Bowl came up. I know I said 'will you stop spitting on me'. Was there a rain forest reference as well?
Scott: I love hate sf.
Brittany: So u drunk yet?
Scott: =( from now on i will never miss an episode of idol ever.
Scott: Pft, id rather lose than listen. :)
Oliver: napa again? fiend.
me: I'm high class drunk right now
Oliver: tranquila.
Rhett: I've always said that about you.
Stan: Done? U retiring early? So unlike u.
in response to my txt about going to canada:
Brittany: I'm not going anywhere with you! U mass text messager!!! Damn you.
Rhett: Wow I feel so special that u would invite me
Oliver: I've never been to like, normal Canada
Rhett: Well now you know where you went wrong
Rhett: Bitch.
Greg: Sounds like you got tryna get the hell outta dodge fever funny must be going around because I damn sure got it. :)
Oliver: f no
Scott: (rolls eyes) ;-)
Mike: Yep. After I eat this hotdog.
Keane: $3 martini and booth. Surprisingly awesome. Surprisingly.
Oliver: <3
David: yeah me too. I will feel much better when the lakers lose.
Scott: I did. i cried all night.
JuneSister: Yes. If it doesn't scare the crap out of her. R u home yet?
Scott: Ten bucks or i fwd to sfpd.
anonymous in response to "do you wanna go to the bar tonight": Planning on casual sex instead.
John S: Hold up, u don't talk to me for how long and you out of the blue ask me for another man's number? Wassup with that, and the number I have is so old i don't think it works.
John S: Sorry, I forgot to add the number cuz I am mad (number)
Greg: Vancouver strip clubs here we come!
Greg: Get me info Let's do this!
Tinna: Thank u for helping me surprise Ryan!!! He was truly terrified :)