I'm very interested in seeing the room you have available for rent here: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/roo/319489743.html
My name is Candice. I work full time for an established web company in SOMA that I am absolutely in love with, and am currently pursuing an MBA in Marketing.
However I'm also an avid artist, I graduated from the University of Hawai'i with a degree in computer animation; I draw, paint, sculpt (metal and glass), I play the bass guitar, and was very active in the poetry circle in Hawai'i.
I moved here last year, currently live in San Mateo, and am looking to move closer to school and work in the city.
I will be able to move in ASAP.
I'm very laid back & respectful; I think I'd be a phenomenal fit for the room.
I'm sure everyone writes that, but I'm actually telling the truth.
Please call me on my cell at [phone number omitted] anytime.
I emailed him from work, and he called me on my cell phone 5 minutes later. I'm still living there. I *was* a good fit.
I especially like phone number emitted =P
Clearly it must be off in outer space somewhere ;)
wow. i meant "omitted" of course.
that's what you get for bloggin while on hold.
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