It's amazing to me that I actually stopped blogging to figure out what to write for a 100th one. I almost decided against overthinking it and just doing a drunk blog one night.
And then I realized I needed to write all of my goals down anyway...
When I was a teenager, I remember coming up with a long list of stuff i wanted to accomplish. I never actually wrote them all down in one place, but I had a mental scroll of things that I wanted to do. I wish I had actually written them all down, because a decade later I've done a bunch of them.
Some goals are small, stuff like "Dye my hair", other goals are much more lofty.
I'd like to quickly point out that this is not to brag, but to make myself realize that I can do a lot of shit, because i already have done a lot. Had I had a working list like this when I was 16, who knows what else I could have done. In fact, I know there's a lot I left off. I have to remember it.
The following are actually things I decided I wanted to achieve during my lifetime (decided while I was in high school or earlier)
✓: I've done it!
( additional information in parentheses )
No longer want to do, not probable.- Win state championship in a sport/activity. ✓ (BMX)
- Direct a music video.✓ (well.not exactly, but I got to be the Art Director for a music video)
- Star in my own music video.
- Buy a car ✓
- Start a rock band ✓ (3, in fact..so far)
- Play a rock show ✓
- Color my hair. ✓
Get a true mohawk (Yeah, no longer interested. Maybe a fauxhawk)
- Get my eyebrow pierced.
- Get a tattoo.
- Work for Pixar (Toy Story 2's fault)
- Get a Computer Science degree (Didn't happen, ended up getting an animation degree)
- Become a web designer ✓ (freelanced for a bit)
Go to Stanford (I didn't even apply, not going there for grad school)- Get accepted to a mainland school ✓
- Get scholarships ✓
- Graduate High School with Honors ✓ (Magna Cum Laude, bitches)
Be Valedictorian/Salutorian (nope. couldn't compete with this girl that got 4.12)
Become an ER DoctorBecome an Orthopedic SurgeonGo to Medical School (These were more dreams of my father not me)- Get into Mensa.
- Be able to see at least 7 moves ahead in Chess ✓
- Go to a protest ✓
- Perform music at a protest ✓
- March in a protest on the Capitol in Washington, D.C. ✓ (!!! College, for USSA "The students united will never be divided!"/"Education is a right, not just for the rich & white!")
- Work for a dotcom. ✓✓✓
- Get writings published ✓
- Learn how to swing dance ✓
- Become a Techno DJ
- Get artwork published. ✓
- Go to an S&M club ✓
- Go to a massive rave ✓
- Learn how to break dance
- Learn how to Taiko Drum (currently working on this)
- See a real dinosaur skeleton ✓ (Thank you, Smithsonian)
- See snow. ✓ (only happened in 2008)
- Snowboard ✓
- Fall in love ✓ (and fall i did)
- Run for class president and win ✓
- Backpack through Europe.
- Go to a Renaissance Faire
- Go to a Comic Book Convention ✓
- Go to a Convention in costume
- Take a roadtrip through the US
- Gamble in Vegas ✓
- Go to a concert. ✓
- Crowdsurf ✓
- Mosh. ✓
- Win concert tickets on the radio ✓ (4 times)
- Win a trip on the radio ✓ (Incubus in Vegas)
- Perform poetry @ an open mic ✓ (first time was in D.C.)
- Perform an original show I wrote. ✓
- Go to a Broadway Show in NYC
- See RENT ✓
- Live in a city. ✓
- Live in an apartment and have roommates ✓
- Own a loft.
- Go to an open audition for a musical/play and win a part ✓
- Perform a speech that is so moving and powerful that it makes people cry.
- Get the hell off the rock ✓✓✓✓ (moved to the mainland in 2006)
An upcoming post will be all the stuff I wanted to do after I got to college and started shifting my focus in life. That will be later. For now, here is what I remember from High School. I'll prolly go back and edit this later.